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Purdue Today

January 31, 2013

In the Spotlight

Kim Joy

Momentum Makers: Kim Joy

Hugs, excited squeals and friendly greetings are common reactions to Kim Joy's presence in Purdue Student Government's offices in Stewart Center. During the two years she's spent as PSG's staff secretary, Joy has built close relationships with many of the nearly 100 students who participate in the organization. The job involves a mutual learning experience that Joy treasures deeply -- and that she wouldn't trade for anything. Find out more at

This month's Momentum Makers installment also features Amy Deitrich, communications coordinator for the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab and Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, and Steve Moorman, bus crew chief in Transportation Service.

Faculty and staff news

Forum to continue conversation on trimester initiative

A forum on Tuesday (Feb. 5) will provide an update on the progress of Purdue's trimester initiative.

Purdue introduces new social media policy

Purdue's new social media policy, which goes into effect Friday (Feb. 1), will help the University more effectively share its stories through increasingly popular new media.

Nominations sought for 2013 Awards for Excellence in Distance Learning

This memo from Mary A. Sadowski, dean of Purdue Extended Campus, is to request nominations for the 2013 Awards for Excellence in Distance Learning. The awards recognize excellence in both credit and noncredit distance learning projects. Details regarding the awards can be found in the memo and at Nominations are requested by March 4.

Research news

Innovation fund boosts commercialization of Purdue technologies

Purdue innovations in research areas including personal health monitoring, advanced diabetes treatment and energy-efficient metal sheet processing received more than $260,000 in the most recent round of awards through the Trask Innovation Fund.

Researchers in various studies looking for participants

Here is a list of research studies that currently are looking for participants.

General news

Experts: New football helmet technology can cut G-force to brain by 50 percent

The football head injury experts featured in recent Sports Illustrated coverage of Junior Seau's brain injuries say new brain-saving helmet technology is available that would massively decrease energy delivered to the brain during impacts.

Latino Cultural Center announces busy semester of activities

The Latin American Film Festival, the Purdue Latino Experience and "Celebrando Our History, Somos Purdue Gala" are part of a long list of spring semester activities scheduled for Purdue's Latino Cultural Center.

Purdue sports

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