Purdue Extension to offer food safety regulations workshop

October 24, 2013  

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue Extension and the university's food science department are offering a two-day workshop to help the meat, poultry, egg, and the fruit and vegetable industries better understand regulatory requirements of the federal Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point principles.

The "Development and Implementation of HACCP and Prerequisite Programs" workshop will be Nov. 20-21 at the Indiana Farm Bureau Building, 225 S. East St., Indianapolis. It focuses on providing participants with a better understanding of how to develop and implement food safety management programs including Good Manufacturing Practices, Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, Good Agricultural Practices, Best Management Practices for Animal Production, general hygiene and sanitation practices.

The workshop will include an overview of foodborne hazards and prevention strategies, an understanding of HACCP principles, and an awareness of the regulatory requirements for HACCP programs. A customized track will be offered for meat, poultry and egg industry participants and another track for the fruit and vegetable industries.

This workshop is an introductory course, approved by the International HACCP Alliance, for first-time participants and an update for those who had HACCP training previously. Participants attending both days will receive a certificate of completion.

Early registration deadline is Nov. 1, with a cost of $400. The final registration deadline is Nov. 8 and will cost $600. The registration fee includes all workshop materials. Checks can be made payable to Purdue University and mailed with the registration form found at http://www.conf.purdue.edu/haacp. Participants can also register online.

For more information, contact Katie Clayton at 765-494-3726 or katie-clayton@purdue.edu.           

Writer: Jennifer Piotrowski, 765-494-8402, jpiotrow@purdue.edu   

Source: Katie Clayton, 765-494-3726, katie-clayton@purdue.edu  

Ag Communications: (765) 494-2722;
Keith Robinson, robins89@purdue.edu
Agriculture News Page

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