As we currently arrange faculty office hours, they don’t work very well. So what would happen if we lost the faculty office? We are launching a couple of experiments to find out.

Peter Meckl

Peter Meckl  launched the first one. He simply announced this class that is office hours would not be held in his office but in the common area on the second floor.

Here’s what happened.

A student came up  (a student  who normally comes to office hours) and sat next to Peter to discuss a specific problem. After about 20 or 30 minutes, the second student came up.

Then something interesting happened. The conversation shifted. It wasn’t about the problem in class, it was about the experience of co-op education. In other words, by simply moving the conversation out of the office, Peter thinks that the conversation became more informal, more helpful and meaningful to the student.

That’s what re|course is all about. Expanding the connections between students and faculty outside the classroom. We  can learn more from each other that way.  Peter is going to continue his experiment.

And he’s got another idea. 🙂