World-Changing Research
Purdue is an international leader in discovery and innovation. With a depth and breadth of research capability and talent that few universities can match, Purdue pursues research that addresses global needs.

Drug Discovery
Around the world, people are living longer — and coping with more illness as they age. Researchers at the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery are developing new diagnostic tools and treatments to accelerate the rate of drug discovery.
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Plant Sciences
Turning data into decisions is critical to increasing the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of agriculture and food systems — and we’re leading the way.
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Life Sciences
We’re integrating cross-campus faculty to deliver interdisciplinary research that will advance neuroscience, immunology, inflammation and infectious disease research, expand Purdue’s contributions on a national scale and create new technologies to enhance disease detection and treatment.
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Data Science Research
Through the Integrative Data Science Initiative, which includes robust data science education, Purdue is forging deep interdisciplinary and industry collaborations to harness data for global progress.
Learn MoreThe whitest paint is here — and it’s the coolest. Literally.
Purdue engineers have created a paint that may reduce the need for air conditioning
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Purdue Moves
Purdue’s original strategic imperatives harnessed our distinctive resources to solve global challenges. Since 2013, these pillars have become part of our identity and continue to inform our work.
Affordability and Accessibility
STEM Leadership
World-Changing Research
Transformative Education