It is our pleasure to present Larry Caplan with the 2009 Purdue Master Gardener Coordinator of the Year Award!
This is the 3rd year for soliciting nominations from Master Gardeners around the state to recognize their local county coordinator. The criteria for nomination included communication skills, enthusiasm, leadership, ability to delegate, sensitivity to diverse needs, and encouragement of growth and continued participation. It is always difficult to single out just one worthy candidate for recognition, as we have many very excellent coordinators on staff. But there were two counties in particular that did just a spectacular job of organizing and writing their nominations! So this year there are actually two awards being given.
Vanderburgh County MGs had much to say in appreciation of Larry:
“He is very supportive of our new endeavors and current projects.”
“He serves on our board of directors and gives insight and information without being dictatorial.”
“Advanced educational opportunities seem to be endless, thanks to Larry.”
“Larry gives freely of his time but has taught SWIMGA to take ownership of our projects and to always follow the guidelines as outlined by Purdue Extension. “
“With 331 members, SWIMGA is a very diverse group with a wide range of interests and ages. Larry’s guidance has enabled us to take advantage of our own individual skill level and interest.”
“Larry makes sure we have everything we need, whether it is slides, handouts, or samples. We are prepared.”
“He has paid special attention to underserved groups of the community – the poor, the handicapped, and other minority groups and actively recruiting new Master Gardeners from these populations.”
“Many of the Master Gardeners themselves have disabilities, Larry helps us find our way into projects that can best use us.”
“Larry has been an active voice of reason, fairness, and focus on goals for SWIMGA.”
“His ever present sense of humor is invaluable to us.”
“I am amazed at the amount of time and effort Larry gives to our group – he is everywhere!”
“With a group as large as ours, Larry is so respected and liked. That’s because he is friendly, ALWAYS available, ready to help, and behind us every step of the way.”
“He has a heart for community service, solid knowledge of his field, consistency in the treatment of others, and the courage and confidence to act for the greater good.”
“The contribution of the Master Gardeners to the community is made possible by the hard work, educational leadership, and good communication skills of our fearless leader – Larry Caplan.”
Congratulations Larry on this well-deserved commendation from your dedicated army of volunteers!