Below are some answers to common questions students might have. 

Q: What are the various graduate programs that Purdue offers?

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Industrial-Organizational 
  • Mathematical and Computational Psychology
  • Neuroscience and Behavior
  • Social Psychology        


Q: Who is eligible to participate in this program?

A: Although all students are welcome to apply, we are really gearing this initiative towards underrepresented undergraduate students. Underrepresented identities include the following (i.e., first-generation students, racial minorities, LGBTQIA + students, students with children, and students who may have a disability).

Q: What is the duration of the mentorship program?

A: The program will last for two semesters (i.e., one academic year).

Q: Will each mentor be paired with one or more mentees?

A:  We will try to individualize the format based on both mentors and mentees’ preferences. Your preference for one-to-one mentorship experience or small group will be asked for in the application form.

Q: How often will the mentors and mentees meet?

A: All mentors and mentees will meet 1-2 times together during the semester as a group to discuss topics that will be helpful to all mentees. Other than that, mentors and mentees would determine their own schedule of individual meetings, while we will have basic requirements (based on the preferences of our mentees indicated in the application form). Meetings can be in-person or virtual.

Q: What will mentees take away from the program?

A: Mentees will benefit from a positive, mentoring relationship aimed at increasing feelings of belongingness and inclusion, which we hope will ultimately lead to more success and retention of underrepresented students. Their mentor will aid in fostering equity and inclusivity by helping to broaden their social networks and to expand their knowledge of the field. 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions or concerns about this program (see Contact Us page for more information).