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Peer reviewed journal articles
(Undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-docs are underlined)
- Dow, C., J.J. Jacobs, M.R. Saunders, P. Marshall, and M.A. Jenkins. 2024. A dendrochronological examination of a recent decline of chestnut oak across southern Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management 561: 121846.
- Duffy, P.J., D.F. Jacobs, J.M. Kabrick, C.D. Thornton, J.T. Swaim, and M.A. Jenkins 2024. Response of understory vegetation to long-term occupancy by introduced Pinus species in temperate deciduous hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 572: 122310.
Strickland, M.K., M.A. Jenkins, Z. Ma, and B.D. Murray. 2024. How has the concept of resilience been applied in research across forest regions? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e2703. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2703. - Fraser, J.S., L.S. Pile Knapp, B. Graham, M.A. Jenkins, J. Kabrick, M. Saunders, M. Spetich, and S. Shifley. 2023. Carbon dynamics in old-growth forests of the Central Hardwoods Region, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 537: 120958. https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/treesearch/66017.
- Pile Knapp, L.S., D.R. Coyle, D.C. Dey, J.S. Fraser, T. Hutchinson, M.A. Jenkins, C.C. Kern, B.O. Knapp, D. Maddox, C. Pinchot, G.G. Wang. 2023. Invasive plant management in eastern North American forests: a systematic review. Forest Ecology and Management 550:121517. https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/treesearch/67182.
- Sample, R.D., Z.J. Delisle, J.M. Pierce, R.K. Swihart, J.N. Caudell, and M.A. Jenkins. 2023. Selection rankings of woody species for white-tailed deer vary with browse intensity and landscape context within the Central Hardwood Forest Region. Forest Ecology and Management 537: 120969. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120969.
- Sample, R.D., Z.J. Delisle, J.M. Pierce, R.K. Swihart, J.N. Caudell, C.R. Webster, M.A. Jenkins. 2023. Predicting and indexing ungulate browse intensity from local to regional scales. Ecological Indicators 154: 110564. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110564.
- Knott, J., G. Domke, C. Woodall, B. Walters, M. Jenkins, and S. Fei. 2022. Shifting forests and carbon: linking community composition and aboveground carbon attributes. Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-022-00765-6.
- Rivera, B.J., R. Meilan, M.E. Scharf, R.A. Karve, and M.A. Jenkins. 2022. The effect of a novel herbicide adjuvant in treating Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii). Invasive Plant Science and Management 15:81–88. link to article in journal
- Sample, R.D., C.M. Boggess, J.M. Brooke, and M.A. Jenkins. 2022. Stump sprouting performance of common tree species in the midstory of hardwood forests in Indiana. Forest Science fxac035, https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxac035
- Sample, R.D., C. Orpurt, P. Habeck, J.M. Pierce, M. Ghaste, J.R. Widhalm, E.A. Flaherty, M. A. Jenkins. 2022. Changes in white-tailed deer browsing selection of hardwood tree species with increasing stem height. Natural Areas Journal 42:268-277
- Sample, R.D., R.D. Tomey, Z.J. Delisle, A.R. Trumbower, P.J. Habeck, J.M. Brooke, and M.A. Jenkins. 2022. Comparing methods of estimating fecal pellet-group density in woodlots of the Midwest United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management https://doi.org/10.3996/JFWM-21-098
- Spetich, M.A., M.A. Jenkins, S.R. Shifley, R.F. Wittwer, and D.L. Graney. 2022. Characteristics of dry-mesic old-growth oak forests in the eastern United States. Earth 3: 975–1009. link to article in journal
- Gorchov, D.L., B. Blossey, K.M. Averill, A. Dávalos, J.M. Heberling, M.A. Jenkins, S. Kalisz, W.J. McShea, J.A. Morrison, V. Nuzzo, C.R. Webster and D.M. Waller 2021. Differential and interacting impacts of invasive plants and white-tailed deer in eastern US forests. Biological Invasions https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-021-02551-2
- Jenkins, M.A. and B.S. Howard. 2021. Forest vegetation response to white-tailed deer population reductions in a large urban park. Natural Areas Journal 41: 114-124.
- Pile Knapp, L.S., R. Snell, L.A. Vickers, Lance, T. Hutchinson, J. Kabrick, M.A. Jenkins, B. Graham, and J. Rebbeck. 2021. The ‘other’ hardwood: Growth, physiology, and dynamics of hickories in the Central Hardwood Region, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 497: 119513.
- Rathfon, R.A., S.M. Greenler, and M.A. Jenkins. 2021. Effects of prescribed grazing by goats on non-native invasive shrubs and native plant species in a mixed-hardwood forest. Restoration Ecology 29: e13361.
- Knott, J.A., M.A. Jenkins, C.M. Oswalt, and S. Fei. 2020. Community‐level responses to climate change in forests of the eastern United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 1299-1314.
- Redick, C.H., J.R McKenna, D.E. Carlson, M.A. Jenkins, and D.F. Jacobs. 2020. Silviculture at establishment of hardwood plantations is relatively ineffective in the presence of deer browsing. Forest Ecology and Management 474: 118339
- Jenkins, M.A. and C.R. Webster. 2019. Age structure and recruitment of Trillium luteum (Trilliaceae) populations in secondary forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 146: 239-251.
- Mulroy, M.L., E.J. Holzmueller, and M.A. Jenkins. 2019. Woody regeneration response to overstory mortality caused by the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Forests 10: 717. link to article in journal
- Frank, G.S., C.H. Nakatsu, and M.A. Jenkins. 2018. Soil chemistry and microbial community functional responses to invasive shrub removal in mixed hardwood forests. Applied Soil Ecology 131: 75-88.
- Frank, G.S., M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2018. Short-term vegetation responses to invasive shrub control techniques for Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii [Rupr.] Herder). Forests 9: 607. Invited Feature Paper in special issue link to article in journal
- Webster, C. R., Y. L. Dickinson, J. I. Burton, L. E. Frelich, M. A. Jenkins, C. C. Kern, P. Raymond, M. R. Saunders, M. B. Walters, and J. L. Willis. 2018. Promoting and maintaining diversity in contemporary hardwood forests: confronting contemporary drivers of change and the loss of ecological memory. Forest Ecology and Management 421: 98–108. Invited Tamm Review
- Swaim, J.T, D.C Dey, M.R. Saunders, D.R. Weigel, C.D. Thornton, M. Kabrick, and M.A. Jenkins. 2018. Overstory species response to clearcut harvest across environmental gradients in hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 428: 66-80.
- Murray, B.D., J.D. Holland, K.S. Summerville, J.B. Dunning, Jr., M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2017. Functional diversity response to forest management varies with taxon and spatial scales in hardwood forests. Ecological Applications 27: 1064-1081.
- Owings, C.F., D.F. Jacobs, J.M. Shields, M.R. Saunders and M.A. Jenkins. 2017. Individual and interactive effects of white-tailed deer and an exotic shrub on artificial and natural regeneration in mixed hardwood forests. AoB Plants 9:plx024. (Invited) link to article in journal
- Verheyen, K., De Frenne, L. Baeten, D.M. Waller, R. Hédl, M.P. Perring, H. Blondeel, J. Brunet, M. Chudomelova, G. Decocq, E. De Lombaerde, L. Depauw, T. Dirnböck, T. Durak, O. Eriksson, F.S. Gilliam, T. Heinken, S. Heinrichs, M. Hermy, B. Jaroszewicz, M.A. Jenkins, S.E. Johnson, K.J. Kirby, M. Kopecký, D. Landuyt, J. Lenoir, D. Li, M. Macek, S. Maes, F. Máliš, F.J.G. Mitchell, T. Naaf, G. Peterken, P. Petřík, K. Reczyńska, D.A. Rogers, F. Hoistad Schei, W. Schmidt, T. Standovár, K. Świerkosz, K. Ujházy, H. Van Calster, M. Vellend, O. Vild, K. Woods, M. Wulf, and M. Bernhard-Römermann. 2017. Combining biodiversity resurveys across regions to advance global change research. Bioscience 67: 73-83.
- Webster, C.R., J.H. Rock, and M.A. Jenkins 2017. Response of spring flora to increasing abundance of woody plants within deer exclosures. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144: 1-14.
- Lowney, C.A., D. Graham, M.A. Spetich, S.R. Shifley, M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2016. Two decades of compositional and structural change in deciduous old-growth forests of Indiana, USA. Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 256-271. Editor’s Choice article
- Murray, B.D., C.R. Webster, M.A. Jenkins, M.R. Saunders, and S. Haulton. 2016. Ungulate impacts on herbaceous-layer plant communities in even-aged and uneven-aged managed forests. Ecosphere 7: e01378. 10.1002/ecs2.1378. link to article in journal
- Swaim, J.T., D.C. Dey, M.R. Saunders, D.R. Weigel, C.D. Thornton, J.M. Kabrick, and M.A. Jenkins. 2016. Predicting the height growth of oak species (Quercus) reproduction over a 23-year period following clearcutting. Forest Ecology and Management 364: 101–112.
- Jenkins, L.H., B.D. Murray, M.A. Jenkins, and C.R. Webster. 2015. Woody regeneration response to over a decade of deer population reductions in Indiana state parks. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 142: 205-219.
- Morrissey, R.C., M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2015. Successional and structural responses to overstorey disturbance in managed and unmanaged forests. Forestry 88: 376-389.
- Shields, J.M., M.A. Jenkins, M.R. Saunders, K.D. Gibson, P.A. Zollner, and J.B. Dunning. 2015. Influence of intensity and duration of invasion by Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) on mixed hardwood forests of Indiana. Invasive Plant Science and Management 8: 44-56. Outstanding Paper Award 2015
- Shields, J.M., M.R. Saunders, K.D. Gibson, P.A. Zollner, J.B. Dunning, and M.A. Jenkins. 2015. Short-term response of native flora to the removal of non-native shrubs in mixed-hardwood forests of Indiana, USA. Forests 6: 1878-1896. link to article in journal
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, and A.J. Poznanovic. 2015. Spatial patterning and floral synchrony among trillium populations with contrasting histories of herbivory. PeerJ 3:e782. link to article in journal
- Jenkins, L.H., M.A. Jenkins, C.R. Webster, P.A. Zollner, and J.M. Shields. 2014. Herbaceous layer response to 17 years of controlled deer hunting in forested natural areas. Biological Conservation 175: 119–128.
- Morrissey, R.C., M.A. Jenkins, and M.R. Saunders. 2014. Accumulation and connectivity of coarse woody debris in partial harvest and unmanaged relict forests. PLoS ONE 9: e113323. link to article in journal
- Parks, A., M. Jenkins, M. Ostry, P. Zhao, and K. Woeste. 2014. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the genetic structure and diversity of butternut in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Tree Genetics and Genomes 10: 541–554.
- Shields, J.M., M.A. Jenkins, M.R. Saunders, H. Zhang, L.H. Jenkins, and A.M. Parks. 2014. Age distribution and spatial patterning of an invasive shrub in secondary hardwood forests. Forest Science 60: 830-840.
- Shields, J.M., M.A. Jenkins, P.A. Zollner, and M.R. Saunders. 2014. Effects of Amur honeysuckle invasion and removal on white-footed mice. Journal of Wildlife Management 78: 867–880.
- Webster, C.R. and M.A. Jenkins. 2014. Evidence of long and discontinuous juvenile periods in Trillium catesbaei under contrasting levels of herbivory. Botany 92: 77–81.
- De Frenne, P., F. Rodríguez-Sánchez, D.A. Coomes, L. Baeten, G. Verstraeten, M. Vellend, M. Bernhardt-Römermann, C.D. Brown, J. Brunet, J. Cornelis, G. Decocq, H. Dierschke, O. Eriksson, F.S. Gilliam, R. Hédl, T. Heinken, M. Hermy, P. Hommel, M.A. Jenkins, D. L. Kelly, K.J. Kirby, F.J.G. Mitchell, T. Naaf, M. Newman, G. Peterken, P. Petřík, J. Schultz, G. Sonnier, H. Van Calster, D.M. Waller, G. Walther, P.S. White, K. Woods, M. Wulf, B.J. Graae, and K. Verheyen. 2013. Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110 18561–18565.
- Parks, A.M., M.A. Jenkins, K.E. Woeste, and M.E. Ostry. 2013. Conservation status of a threatened tree species: establishing a baseline for restoration of Juglans cinerea in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Natural Areas Journal 33: 413-426.
- Quackenbush, P.M., R.A. Butler, N.C. Emery, M.A. Jenkins, E.J. Kladivko, and K.D. Gibson. 2013. Invasive earthworms and plants in Indiana old and second growth forests. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6: 161-174.
- Stehn, S.E., A. Jenkins, C.R. Webster, and S. Jose. 2013. Regeneration responses to exogenous disturbance gradients in southern Appalachian Picea-Abies forests. Forest Ecology and Management 289: 98-105.
- Bardhan, S., S. Jose, A. Jenkins, C.R. Webster, R.P. Udawatta, and S.E. Stehn. 2012. Microbial community diversity and composition across a gradient of soil acidity in spruce-fir forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Applied Soil Ecology 61: 60-68.
- Lessard, J.P., W.N. Reynolds, W.A. Bunn, M.A Genung, M.A. Cregger, E. Felker-Quinn, M.N. Barrios-Garcia, M.L. Stevenson; M. Lawton, C.B. Brown, M. Patrick, J.H. Rock, M.A. Jenkins, J.K. Bailey, and J.A. Schweitzer. 2012. Equivalence in the strength of deer herbivory on above and below ground communities. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 59-66.
- Krapfl, K.J., E.J. Holzmueller, and M.A. Jenkins. 2012. Understory composition of five Tsuga canadensis associated communities in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Areas Journal 32: 260-269.
- Quackenbush, P.M., R.A. Butler, N.C. Emery, M.A. Jenkins, E.J.Kladivko, and K.D. Gibson. 2012. Lumbricus terrestris prefers to consume garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) seeds. Invasive Plant Science and Management 5: 148-154.
- Jenkins, M.A., R.N. Klein, and V.L. McDaniel. 2011. Yellow pine regeneration as a function of fire severity and post-fire stand structure in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 681-691.
- Krapfl, K.J., E.J. Holzmueller, and M.A. Jenkins. 2011. Early impacts of the hemlock woolly adelgid in Tsuga canadensis forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138: 93-106.
- Stehn, S.E., C.R. Webster, and M.A. Jenkins. 2011. High-elevation ground-layer plant community composition across environmental gradients in spruce-fir forests. Ecological Research 26: 1089-1101.
- Kuppinger, D.M., M.A. Jenkins, and P.S. White. 2010. Predicting the post-fire establishment and persistence of an invasive tree species across a complex landscape. Biological Invasions 12: 3473–3484.
- Stehn, S.E., C.R. Webster, J.M. Glime, and M.A. Jenkins. 2010. Elevational gradients of bryophyte diversity, life forms, and community assemblage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 2164–2174.
- Stehn, S.E., C.R. Webster, J.M. Glime, and M.A. Jenkins. 2010. Ground-layer bryophyte communities of post-adelgid Picea-abies forests. Southeastern Naturalist 9: 435–452.
- Bunn, W.A., M.A. Jenkins, C.B. Brown, and N.J. Sanders. 2010. Temporal change within and among montane forest communities: the influence of historic disturbance and environmental gradients. Ecography 33: 425-434.
- Tang, L., G. Shao, Z. Piao, L. Dai, M.A. Jenkins, S. Wang, G. Wu, J. Wu, and J. Zhao. 2010. Forest degradation deepens around and within protected areas: the case in East Asia. Biological Conservation 143: 1295-1298.
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2010. Ecological consequences of an exotic fungal disease in eastern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1347-1353.
- Jenkins, M.A. and C.R. Webster. 2009. Spatial patterning and population structure of a common woodland herb, Trillium erectum, in primary and post-logging secondary forests. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2569-2577.
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2009. The response of understory species composition, diversity, and seedling regeneration to repeated burning in southern Appalachian oak-hickory forests. Natural Areas Journal 29: 255-262.
- Thiemann J.A., C.R. Webster, M.A. Jenkins, P.M. Hurley, J.H. Rock, and P.S. White. 2009. Herbaceous-layer impoverishment in a post-agricultural southern Appalachian landscape. American Midland Naturalist 162: 148-168.
- Webster, C.R., J.H. Rock, R.E. Froese, and M.A. Jenkins. 2008. Drought-herbivory interaction disrupts competitive displacement of native plants by Microstegium vimineum, 10 year results. Oecologia 157: 497–50.
- Webster, C.R. and M.A. Jenkins. 2008. Age structure and spatial patterning of Trillium populations in old-growth forests. Plant Ecology 199: 43–54.
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2008. The relationship between fire history and an exotic fungal disease in a deciduous forest. Oecologia 155: 347-356.
- Jenkins, M.A., S. Jose, and P.S. White. 2007. Impacts of an exotic disease and vegetation change on foliar calcium cycling in Appalachian forests. Ecological Applications 17: 869-881.
- Jenkins, M.A., C.R. Webster, and J.R. Rock. 2007. Effects of chronic herbivory and historic land use on population structure of a forest perennial, Trillium catesbaei. Applied Vegetation Science 10: 441-450.
- Jenkins, M.A. 2007. Vegetation communities of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Southeastern Naturalist 6 (Special Issue 1): 35-56. Invited
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2007. Influence of calcium, potassium, and magnesium on Cornus florida density and resistance to dogwood anthracnose. Plant and Soil 290: 189-199.
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2007. Influence of Cornus florida on calcium mineralization in two southern Appalachian forest types. Forest Ecology and Management 245: 110-117.
- Jenkins, S.E. and M.A. Jenkins. 2006. Effects of prescribed fire on the vegetation of a savanna-glade complex in northern Arkansas. Southeastern Naturalist 5: 113-126.
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, and S. Jose. 2006. Woody invaders and the challenges they pose to forest ecosystems in the eastern United States. Journal of Forestry 104: 366-374.
- Griggs, J.A., J.H. Rock, C.R. Webster, and M.A. Jenkins. 2006. Vegetative legacy of a protected deer herd in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Areas Journal 26: 126-136.
- Holzmueller, E., S. Jose, M.A. Jenkins, A.E. Camp, and A.J. Long. 2006. Dogwood anthracnose: what is known and what can be done? Journal of Forestry 104: 21-26.
- Webster, C.R. and M.A. Jenkins. 2005. Coarse woody debris dynamics in the southern Appalachians as affected by topographic position and anthropogenic disturbance history. Forest Ecology and Management 217: 319-330.
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, and J.H. Rock. 2005. Long-term response of spring flora to chronic herbivory and deer exclusion in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Biological Conservation 125: 297-307.
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, and J.H. Rock. 2005. Twenty years of forest change in the woodlots of Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132: 280-292.
- Jenkins, M.A., C.R. Webster, G.R. Parker, and M.A. Spetich. 2004. Coarse woody debris in managed Central Hardwood forests of Indiana, USA. Forest Science 50: 781-792.
- Jenkins, M.A. 2003. Impact of the balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae ) on an Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. dominated stand near the summit of Mount LeConte, Tennessee. Castanea 68: 109-118.
- Jenkins, M.A. and P.S. White. 2002. Cornus florida mortality and understory composition changes in western Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 129: 194-206.
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, and G.R. Parker. 2001. A field test of herbaceous plant indicators of deer browsing intensity in mesic hardwood forests of Indiana, USA. Natural Areas Journal 21: 149-158.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 2001. Woody species composition of disturbed forests in intermittent stream bottomlands of southern Indiana. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 128: 165-175.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 2000. The response of herbaceous-layer vegetation to anthropogenic disturbance in intermittent stream bottomland forests of southern Indiana, USA. Plant Ecology 151: 223-237.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 2000. Changes in the forest landscape of the Charles C. Deam Wilderness, southern Indiana: 1939-1990. Natural Areas Journal 20: 46-55.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 1999. Composition and diversity of ground-layer vegetation in silvicultural openings of southern Indiana forests. American Midland Naturalist 142: 1-16.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 1998. Composition and diversity of woody vegetation in silvicultural openings of southern Indiana forests. Forest Ecology and Management 109: 57-74.
- Jenkins, M.A. and S.G. Pallardy. 1995. The influence of drought on red oak group species growth and mortality in the Missouri Ozarks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25: 1119-1127.
- McClain, W.E., M.A. Jenkins, S.E. Jenkins, and J.E. Ebinger. 1993. Changes in the woody vegetation of a bur oak savanna remnant in central Illinois. Natural Areas Journal 13: 108-114.
- Baumgartner, S.S., S.E. Jenkins, M.A. Jenkins, and J. E. Ebinger. 1992. Woody vegetation survey of Sullivan Woods, Moultrie County, Illinois. Erigenia 12: 7-12.
Proceedings and symposia
- Holzmueller, E.J., S. Jose, and M.A. Jenkins. 2006. The effect of fire on flowering dogwood stand dynamics in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Pages 496-498 in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Memphis, TN. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-92.
- Jenkins, M.A. and S.E. Jenkins. 1999. Savanna and glade vegetation of Turkey Mountain, Arkansas: effects of a single prescribed burn. Pages 127-134 in Proceedings of the 15th North American Prairie Conference. Natural Areas Association, Bend, OR.
- Jenkins, M.A. and G.R. Parker. 1997. Changes in down deadwood volume across a chronosequence of silvicultural openings in southern Indiana forests. Pages 162-169 in Proceedings of the Eleventh Central Hardwood Forest Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NC-188.
- Jenkins, M.A. and S.G. Pallardy. 1993. A comparison of forest dynamics at two sites in the southeastern Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Pages 327-341 in Proceedings of the Ninth Central Hardwood Forest Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NC-161.
Book chapters
- Jenkins, M.A. 2013. The history of human disturbance in forest ecosystems of southern Indiana. Pages 2-11 in Swihart, R.K., Saunders, M.R., Kalb, R.A., and Michler, C.H., eds. In The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: a framework for studying responses to forest management. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-108. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA. [CD ROM] 350 p. link to publication
- Jenkins, M.A. and K.D. Johnson. 2009. Exotic plant species invasion and control in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Pages 295-322 in Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems, R.K. Kohli, S. Jose, H.R. Singh, and D.R. Batish, eds. CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.
- Webster, C.R., M.A. Jenkins, S. Jose, and L. M. Nagel. 2009. Exotic herb layers as ecological filters in forest understories. Pages 76-89 in Forest Canopies: Forest Production, Ecosystem Health and Climate Conditions, J.D. Creighton and P.J. Roney, eds. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.