Purdue Today.

January 30, 2023

Current web edition

What can you imagine?

Faculty and Staff News

Purdue nutrition science professor named to 2025 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

Heather Eicher-Miller, associate professor in Purdue’s Department of Nutrition Science, has been named to the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Eicher-Miller, who will shape national dietary recommendations as part of the committee, was selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Things to Know

This week's 'Thumbs Up' recipients

Things to Do

Office of Institutional Equity seeking nominations for 2023 Focus Awards
Healthy Boiler workshop to focus on strength training; registration deadline is today
Fidelity lineup of workshops to focus on Ask Fidelity, America Saves Week

In the Spotlight

Leanna Chroman

Commitment to service prompts restaurant exec to choose Purdue Global

For Purdue Global student Leanna Chroman, her passion for serving others makes her a perfect fit in her role as vice president of learning and culture at Huse Culinary, the brand behind Indy legends like St. Elmo Steak House and Harry & Izzy’s. It’s also what motivated her to enroll at Purdue Global so she can build an even stronger culture at the company she loves. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Additional News

Virtual reality use

VR avatars rival online interactions in creating closeness

Can virtual reality (VR) avatars foster meaningful human connections as effectively as that of other online communication methods, and even real-life interactions? A Purdue case study suggests they can. The study also demonstrates the potential for VR avatar use to reduce race and gender bias. Share the news: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Leah Thompson

Animal sciences graduate student pursues interdisciplinary research

Purdue animal science graduate student Leah Thompson is pursuing interdisciplinary research through a project in Cambodia that largely focuses on understanding women’s roles, knowledge and attitudes about food safety. The end goal? To create interventions to reduce foodborne illness.


Transistors repurposed as microchip ‘clock’ address supply chain weakness


Kanter Lecture to explore mechanisms contributing to inequality in academic careers in science and engineering
Purdue University Events Calendar

Bringing Our Best

AAU highlights Purdue research on bees, honeycombs

The Association of American Universities (AAU) recognized Purdue's research excellence Thursday (Jan. 26) with a tweet highlighting researchers' discoveries about how honeybees build and structure their honeycombs, which could lead to new fabrication techniques taken from the buzzing builders.

AAU tweet

* Submit a "Thumbs Up" or send a story idea for "Bringing Our Best" to PurdueToday@purdue.edu to share how Purdue University is a community that is persistent in its pursuit to build a better world together.

Purdue in the News

Here is a sampling of recent news reports about Purdue from media across the nation and the world.

YouTube: Roads that charge electric cars while driving?
Techtoday, Popular Science, MSN: Experts worry about the ethical issues of historical chatbots
Inside INdiana Business: Four cancer drugs invented, but Low’s greatest legacy may be in malaria
Inside INdiana Business: Purdue launches AI forest mapping project
Purdue Today is the official Purdue University communication for faculty and staff