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Purdue Today

January 24, 2013

In the Spotlight

Insights magazine

Many perspectives, one vision

Boilermakers know that better-informed solutions are the result of multiple perspectives, unique experiences and fully optimized knowledge centers. The College of Science draws from the wealth of its diverse scientific community to build a university that is prepared to contribute innovative solutions for today's global challenges. Meet Purdue's global scientists in the college's latest issue of Insights magazine.

Faculty and staff news

Additional seasonal flu shot appointments available; vaccine supply limited

On Wednesday (Jan. 30), a limited supply of seasonal flu vaccine will be offered on the West Lafayette campus by appointment only. High flu activity continues nationwide, and WorkLife Programs has secured some additional flu vaccine. The vendor for these events is Maxim Health Systems.

MLK celebration

MLK: Commemorative address

Purdue will host Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC commentator and professor of political science at Tulane University, for the Dr. Martin Luther King Commemorative Address at 7 p.m. today (Jan. 24) in Stewart Center, Loeb Playhouse. Harris-Perry is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race and Politics in the South and author of "Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes and Black Women in America." For a complete list of events and more on King, go to

* Candlelight vigil, address to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

CIE offering service-learning how-to workshops

Four one-hour workshops on service-learning -- its use, design and tools -- are being offered this spring by the Center for Instructional Excellence. The series is designed for faculty and program leaders.

ITaP offering new easy-access, expanded instructional and classroom tech support

As the spring semester progresses, ITaP is facilitating faculty use of instructional and classroom technology, Blackboard Learn in particular, with more convenient access to support and expanded consulting.

Purdue Recycling to pick up phone books on Saturday

Purdue employees are asked to set out old phone directories on Friday (Jan. 25) for recycling. Crews will collect the directories Saturday (Jan. 26).

Lecture, brown bag discussion to focus on mentoring graduate students

Faculty, staff, and students can gain insight Wednesday (Jan. 30) on developing effective mentoring connections with underrepresented minority and women graduate students on the path to completing degrees in science, technology, engineering and math disciplines.

Research news

Researchers in various studies looking for participants

Here is a list of research studies that currently are looking for participants.

Purdue sports

Volleyball to host summer camps

The Boilermaker volleyball team will help youth of all ages improve their skills at a variety of camps in July.

For more information on Purdue sports, go to


Sites of Interest

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