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April 20, 2010

In the spotlight

Purdue charges ahead with inaugural evGrandPrix

With three little words, Purdue rolled into position as a world leader on Sunday: "Drivers, power up!" commanded President France A. Córdova. And the University's inaugural Electric Vehicle Grand Prix race was under way, 17 go-karts humming around the track, vying for top place in the 80-lap event at the Purdue Grand Prix track. Read more...

* A photo gallery of the evGrandPrix is here.

Sustaining New Synergies

Campus IT committee announces plans to reorganize information technology

A campus-wide IT committee, charged by President France A. Córdova, has released a governance plan for campus-wide information technology efforts to achieve efficiencies and save money. Read more...

Featured News for Employees

Ejeta selected as featured speaker for commencement ceremony

Purdue announced today (April 20) that Gebisa Ejeta will be the featured commencement speaker on Friday, May 14. Read more...

Power Down Hour to be held today

The entire campus is encouraged to turn off lights, computers and equipment wherever possible from noon to 1 p.m. today for Power Down Hour. Read more...

CIGNA rep on campus to explain how to reduce health care expenses

A representative from CIGNA, the administrator for Purdue's three medical plans, will be on campus in April and May to present information on good health care consumerism. Read more...

Staff memorial to be held Wednesday

Staff members who have died during the past year will be honored and remembered at a ceremony on Wednesday (April 21). Read more...

Meeting set to begin planning Homecoming 2010

Organizers of Homecoming 2010 will have a meeting Wednesday (April 21) to begin planning the weekend's events. This year’s Homecoming will be on Oct. 16 in conjunction with the Minnesota football game. Read more...

Research News & Special Reports

Sensor gives valuable data for neurological diseases and treatments

A new biosensor developed at Purdue can measure whether neurons are performing correctly when communicating with each other, giving researchers a tool to test the effectiveness of new epilepsy or seizure treatments. Read more...

General News

Purdue police department receives accreditation

Purdue University's police department has received accreditation from the nation's largest law enforcement accrediting organization. Read more...

Purdue to become StormReady certified

Purdue has undertaken another step in an effort to ensure campus safety in the event of emergencies. The University will receive certification through the National Weather Service's StormReady program during a ceremony at 4 p.m. today (April 20) at the Purdue Police Department. Read more...

Purdue team to compete in international solar home competition

A Purdue team is one of 20 chosen to compete in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011. Read more...


College of Agriculture honors top students, faculty, staff

The College of Agriculture honored its top students, faculty and staff for the 2009-10 academic year on Sunday (April 18) during the Agriculture Awards Program in Stewart Center on the University's West Lafayette campus. Read more...

Sustaining New
Synergies online

The Sustaining New Synergies Web site offers reports, updates, video and presentations from public forums, and more.


This week's events
Events for the next four weeks

Purdue Motorsports Association to host car display on Thursday

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