Geolocating Bronze Age Fortress Sites in Satellite Imagery Margo Katherine Wilke Undergraduate Research Internship Program Spring 2024 Accepted Archaeology; GIS; Remote Sensing; South Caucasus Whenever feasible, archaeologists use the latest high-resolution satellite images, like those used in Google Earth, to locate ancient sites and study their environmental context. We can then catalog the location of sites in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to conduct spatial analysis on how different sites are related to each other and available resources, and pose anthropological questions about decisions people made and how they lived their lives the ancient past. This project will involve pulling together site location information on ancient Bronze Age hill forts from English-language archaeological reports from the South Caucasus. Through this internship, the student will assist with this process, learn the basics of how archaeologists use remote sensing data, and gain valuable experience working with GIS software, including ArcGIS Pro. GIS and spatial data skillsets are highly sought after in the public and private sector in both social science and STEM fields. This be an excellent first step for a student interested in spatial analysis and remote sensing technologies, or in advanced archaeological methods. Ian C Lindsay The work would involve examining site reports provided by the faculty mentor, and, where site coordinates are provided, deriving them from visual comparisons of published maps and satellite imagery in Google Earth or ArcGIS. The student will contribute to compiling a master list of site location information that will be used to conduct regional locational analysis of Bronze Age hill forts in the region. Student will meet weekly for progress conversation with the faculty mentor. My research website: GIS experience is helpful, but not required. Good communication skills important. 0 6 (estimated)

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