Entrepreneurial Mindset, Bio-Inspired Design, and STEAM: Understanding Engineering Faculty Perceptions of New Curriculum Development and Dissemination John Martinson Honors College Research Programs Fall 2023 Closed engineering education, faculty professional development Engineering faculty understand the relevance and importance of implementing innovative curriculum in the engineering classroom, however, they are often bogged down with the notion of how engineering courses are traditionally taught, and lack incentives for making changes to curriculum. The purpose of this research is to analyze a cohort-based engineering faculty professional development whereby faculty where incentivized to develop, implement, assess, and disseminate lessons learned for new curriculum integrating the entrepreneurial mindset, bio-inspired design, and STEAM. Lisa B Bosman Work would include data analysis (quantitative and qualitative), results write-up, and poster creation. www.PurduePD.com A willingness to learn and work independently (under the guidance of a faculty advisor). 0 5 (estimated)

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