Whose is the Conventional Thought? Determining Who Americans Think "Most People" Are Margo Katherine Wilke Undergraduate Research Internship Program Spring 2024 Accepted Sociology; Social Psychology; Experimental Methods It is common to assess cultural common knowledge by asking people what they assume "most people" think about any given issue. For example, "do you think most people think that men or women are more intelligent?" These methods are commonly used but have not been thoroughly studied. For example, asking about "most people" is an abstract question and it is not clear who people are imagining when answering the question. In this project, we use a survey experiment to determine who Americans think "most people" are -- assessing whether assumptions about dominant groups opinions influence ideas about what most people think. Trenton D Mize Literature review; help with survey design; data analysis (especially content coding of open-ended responses) https://www.trentonmize.com/about Experience with experimental methods is ideal. Some background in social psychology is useful but not required 3 6 (estimated)
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