Corrective Exercise for the Musician Clarence E. Dammon Dean Academic Year 2023 Accepted Music, Kinesiology Student will continue to work with mentor an a series of research studies about body alignment and its effect on musicians. Student will work on literature review, creating IRBs, developing studies, executing experiments, analyzing data, and writing/presenting research. This multi-year internship will be about how corrective exercise outlined by the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) can be incorporated into a musician's practice to promote optimal performance as a singer. Other musical populations may be studied as per the intern's and mentor's interests expand. Christopher P Cayari Christopher P Cayari FA22 - Reading research and developing a literature review
SP23 - Acquisition of Skills and Protocol Development
FA2023 – Develop pilot study and draft grant proposal and conduct self-study
SP2024 – Conducting Pilot study
FA2025 – Writing up Experimental study / Developing Own Study
SP2026 - Conducting Experimental Research
FA2027 & Spring 2028- Writing and presenting Research
Kinesiology and music experiences 2 8 (estimated)

This project is not currently accepting applications.