Detecting Racial Bias in Mental Health Diagnosis Health & Human Sciences Academic Year 2023 Accepted Clinical Psychology; Health Equity A crucial first step in providing mental health care is accurate diagnosis of the problem, in order to select the appropriate treatment. Past research suggests that black men are diagnosed with psychotic disorders (e.g., schizophrenia) at higher rates than white men, even when presenting with similar symptoms. We seek to extend this past work by using a carefully constructed case vignette (a 1-2 page written description of a hypothetical client) to determine if the vignette receives different diagnoses depending on the race presented. We also will go beyond past research to determine if a dimensional model of mental health, which has been proposed as a replacement for the current system, shows less racial bias. Douglas B Samuel Assist in refining the research question, developing the research materials, and carrying out the research. This will be an online study of mental health professionals so work will include programming an online survey, collecting data, and analyzing the results. Students will have the opportunity to present this research to scientific audiences via poster and/or published articles. Advanced undergraduate standing with strong GPA and past research experience. 3 10 (estimated)

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