Rural Family Caregiving: Building selfcare and resiliency of rural women family caregivers for older adults Health & Human Sciences Academic Year 2023 Accepted Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity (HLVL) Rapidly ageing population and healthcare disparities in rural communities transfer the burden of elderly care mostly among female family members. Rural female caregivers carry a heavy burden of care leading to poor selfcare and wellbeing. Our study aims to determine the selfcare needs and practices of rural female caregivers and its association with resilience and wellbeing. Using a mixed method approach, our study will survey (N=100) rural female caregivers followed by qualitative interviews in two rural counties (Carroll and White) of Indiana. Findings will help us in developing selfcare and wellness programs for female caregivers in rural communities. Project deliverable will include study results in the forms of papers, oral/poster presentations, infographics and stakeholder workshop. Prior knowledge of creating recruitment flyers, sending email invitations, Qualtrics, conducting in-person and online surveys, preliminary knowledge of using SPSS or excel software is preferred. Please note that this project is funded by NCRCRD (North Central Regional Center for Rural development). The project timelines are from April 2023-June 2024. Nasreen Sulaiman Lalani Preparing IRB Ethics documents including recruitment flyers,
email invitations, surveys and interview guide
Data Collection: Making surveys on Qualtrics, collecting in-person surveys, and interviews
Data analysis: SPSS and NVivo software usage preferable
GPA: 3.0 or above, some prior knowledge of community participation, recruitment, poster making, writing short summaries or papers and use of analytic software is preferred. 1 6 (estimated)

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