All posts by swalburn

Spencer Cox, MoMA, and Direct Action with ACT UP!!

Hello readers, followers, family, friends, and colleagues!

Me at the Rally!
Me at the Rally!

I would like to walk you through the most amazing day of my life, beginning with a visit to the Spencer Cox Center for Health. This amazing center (one of three in New York City) is an effective, efficient, and inspiring institution designed to provide the best health care possible in the most convenient and effective way to ANYONE who needs it. While specifically focused on treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, this clinic takes the “one stop shop” approach, consolidating within it’s walls variety of treatment. For more information on the treatment available please visit their website at: . Instead of going in depth into the available services and treatment (which could take up this entire post as they do it all) I would like to focus on some alarming information and data that you, as a human being, need to know.  According to the latest data (2012) there were 7,800 active patients, the Spencer Cox Center tracked 110,451 visits. Of these patients 54% men who have sex with men, 75% people of color, and 79% men. Further, 27% were heterosexual, 25% are white, and 20% are female.

Our next stop, shifting gears from activism to art, was the Museum of Modern Art.

Continue reading Spencer Cox, MoMA, and Direct Action with ACT UP!!