Featured Professors - New Faculty!!

Yu She

Dr. Yu She is an assistant professor at Purdue University School of Industrial Engineering. He leads the Mechanisms And Robotic Systems (MARS) lab at Purdue University. The MARS lab investigates cutting-edge robotic research at the intersection of mechanical design, sensory perception, and dynamic control. Particular applications include human-safe collaborative robots (cobots), soft robots, and robotic manipulation. The goal of the MARS lab is to develop inherently safe and highly performing robots that can work in dynamic environments with humans, side by side, to perform challenging manipulation tasks.

Laura Blumenschein

Dongming Gan

Prof. Gan is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering Technology as of January, 2020. Dongming's main research interests fall into the area of robotics, mechanism and machine theory with focus on design, modeling, control and development of intelligent reconfigurable robotic systems, compliant robot manipulators, and flexible light-weight wearable devices for assisting humans in manufacturing, health care and domestic human-robot co-existing scenarios with safe physical interactions and collaborations.

Nina Mahmoudian

"Mahmoudian's research aims to advance persistent autonomy in challenging environments under water, on ground, in air, and in space. For multi-robot long-term operation, her work integrates the design of mission planning and motion control algorithms with adaptable docking and low-infrastructure systems. The goal is to address fundamental challenges and provide practical solutions to effectively respond to energy needs in the presence of dynamic conditions and substantial environmental uncertainty."

Huachao Mao

Prof. Mao joined the School of Engineering Technology as an Assistant Professor as of August, 2019. Dr. Mao’s research focuses on smart additive manufacturing processes development and optimization. He develops next-generation additive manufacturing processes for multi-material, multi-scale, multi-functional structures, and extends the capabilities of 3D printing by combining robotics manipulation, locomotion, and perception. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems, he also establishes intelligent control and optimization algorithms to advance the functionality, quality, reliability, and productivity of additive manufacturing for industrial applications.

Mo Rastgaar

Dr. Mo Rastgaar is an associate professor at Polytechnic Institute and the founding director of the Human-Interactive Robotics Lab (HIRoLab). The research at the HIRoLab is focused on human-centered robots including the development of lower extremity assistive and rehabilitation devices for enhanced agility and improved mobility. The research goal at the HIRoLab is to further the critical understanding of the dynamics of agile gait, especially during different maneuvers, through experiments with human subjects and modeling. Dr. Rastgaar's research interests include assistive and rehabilitation robots, systems design, cyber-physical systems, dynamics, and controls.

Mohit Verma

Dr. Verma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University. He completed a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015-2017) at Professor George Whitesides' Laboratory in Harvard University. He received his PhD (as a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar) in Chemical Engineering (Nanotechnology) from the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Professor Frank Gu in 2015. He completed his Bachelor of Applied Science in Nanotechnology Engineering at the University of Waterloo in 2012.

His strengths are in the design and fabrication of soft actuators, devices, and robots. Due to their inherent properties, soft materials enable interactions with delicate biological materials all the way from cells to humans. The applications of these robots range from mimicking organs to training locomotion.

Featured Professors - News

Mar 2022 - Profs. Luciano Castillo and Richard Voyles, with an international team of students and faculty, developed two robots for cleaning classrooms, conference rooms, and cruise ships.

Oct 2021 - Profs. Juan Wachs and Denny Yu and students Juan Antonio Barragan and Daniela Chanci Arrubla won the RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Research Award at IEEE's RO-MAN 2021 for their work, titled "SACHETS: Semi-Autonomous Cognitive Hybrid Emergency Teleoperated Suction".

Sept 2020 - Prof. Dave Cappelleri was recently awarded a grant as part of the NSF ERC on Center for the Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture led by the University of Pennsylvania.

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600