Purdue Today

December 17, 2009

Comprehensive policy on vehicle use being finalized

Faculty, staff, students and volunteers who drive on University business will be affected by a new policy currently under review and set to go into effect in 2010

The policy is intended to manage the risks associated with the use of vehicles, minimize the potential for accidents and losses, and provide a guide for departments in managing vehicles under their control.  

According to the "Use of Vehicles for University Business" policy, individuals who operate a vehicle on Purdue business — whether the vehicle is personal, University-owned, or leased or rented by the University or individual — will either self-evaluate their qualification to drive or be certified through a motor vehicle record (MVR) check.  

Employees who operate a University vehicle, on average, five or more times a week on University-related business or whose job description requires them to possess a valid driver's license will be subject to an MVR check, which will be conducted by the University's risk management department.

All other employees will self-evaluate and must then certify their qualifications when they complete appropriate travel request and transportation services forms. 

Students and volunteers who need to operate a University vehicle on University business will be subject to an MVR check under conditions outlined in the policy. 

The University's risk management department will oversee the administration of the policy, including MVR checks, to confirm that drivers meet the University's minimum driver qualifications. To help streamline the implementation of the policy, risk management will work with departments to formalize the process of identifying those drivers subject to review. 

In addition to the driver certification requirements, the policy also provides rules for driving short and long distances; use of carts, vans and rental vehicles; University fleet inspection and maintenance; fleet insurance and registration; and guidelines for reporting accidents.

The policy, which has been under development for the past two years, was developed with participation by many areas of the University as well as benchmark data from peer institutions. It reflects a compilation of best practices for universities with a fleet of vehicles.  

The policy will be published  online and will include links to an online training course, vehicle operation training, related policies, documents, forms and tools.

In addition, an FAQ (frequently asked questions) page soon will be available online.  Additional details will be published before policy implementation.

Questions about the policy should be directed to riskmgmt@purdue.edu.