Purdue Today

October 30, 2009

Archives and Special Collections celebrates John Purdue's birthday with online exhibit

An exhibit showcasing Purdue founder John Purdue is now available online.

"Portrait of a Founder: John Purdue and Purdue University" can be viewed at www.lib.purdue.edu/spcol/johnpurdue/. Purdue Libraries Archives and Special Collections hosted the physical exhibit this past spring in the new Virginia Kelly Karnes Archives and Special Collections Research Center.

Purdue was born on Oct. 31, circa 1802. His gift enabled the founding of Purdue in 1869, making 2009 the 140th anniversary of that historic occasion.

The exhibit covers various themes, including John Purdue's early life, business activities, his time as a farmer, the founding of Purdue University, and his death and funeral. Fitting with his Halloween birthday, one of the spookier items in the collection is John Purdue's death mask, a plaster cast of Purdue's face, which was common practice in many cultures.

Other items in the online exhibit include letters, school writing exercises, business ledgers, portraits of John Purdue, and books written about his life and the University's history.

For a list of upcoming display exhibits and other online exhibits, visit www.lib.purdue.edu/spcol/?page=exhibits.