Purdue Today

July 2, 2009

Presentation to focus on health savings accounts

Staff Benefits is now offering the second presentation in its three-part series on health care consumerism. Enrollment for July, August, and September offerings of the presentation is now open.

The new session will examine why it is important to be a knowledgeable health care consumer and will provide examples of steps that can help you improve your health care consumer savvy.

The presentation will introduce the concept of health savings accounts (HSAs), including how health plans with HSAs work, and how you can use them as a tool for becoming a more effective health care consumer.

Employees who attend the presentation will earn the Healthy Purdue red apple.

To register, visit http://www.purdue.edu/worklife and log in with your Purdue career account and password. Then find "Healthcare Consumerism and Health Savings Accounts" on the list of offerings. Staff Benefits is conducting the presentation on multiple dates.