Purdue Today

April 24, 2009

Web site addresses research funding through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The Office of the Vice President for Research has launched a new Web site for Purdue faculty and staff interested in research funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), also called "stimulus" funding.  

The site, www.purdue.edu/Research/vpr/recovery, provides a number of features:

* A listing of federal agencies providing research funding through the stimulus program  with direct links to open ARRA solicitations and related notices.

* Information on the four targeted stimulus information and working groups at Purdue, and how to participate in these groups: life sciences, education, energy, and defense.

* Contacts in the OVPR for specific funding agencies.

* Sponsored Program Services (SPS) information related to ARRA funding, including proposal assistance, reporting requirements and Purdue ARRA Awards.

* Links to ARRA-related sites and documents.