April 7, 2009

Earn a purple apple by participating in training alternative

One way to earn a purple Behavior and Lifestyle Change Programs apple for Healthy Purdue 2009 is to participate in the training alternative.

The training alternative recognizes the efforts of participants who train on their own and participate in an exercise event. Anyone who trains for and completes a competitive exercise event such as a 5K, 10K, mini-marathon, marathon, or triathlon in 2009 is eligible for a purple apple.

Qualifying events can be walking, running, swimming, or cycling events. There must be a finish time recorded.

The minimum distance is a 5K walk. Examples of qualifying events are the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon and Columbian Park's Zoo-Run-Run. Exercise events that do not qualify are usually fundraising activities such as the Relay for Life, those without a recorded finish time, or distances less than 5K.

Credit for this apple is granted for the documentation of six weeks of training in preparation for a qualifying exer-cise event. Participants should submit the completed training alternative form and evidence of participation in the event to their campus program to earn an apple.

The training alternative form is available at www.purdue.edu/healthypurdue. Forms must be received by Nov. 20.

Those who are planning to train for an event and have not been physically active within the past three to six months should check with their health care provider before beginning an exercise program.

For more information about the training alternative or Healthy Purdue 2009, contact your campus program.