Purdue Today

March 26, 2009

Boilermaker Huddle in Heels Football Clinic to kick off on April 11

The John Purdue Club and Purdue football will present the first Boilermaker Huddle in Heels Football Clinic on April 11.

This comprehensive overview of football basics is designed especially for women who love Purdue football; however, men are also welcome to attend.

The women behind the coaches of Boilermaker football as well as the coaches themselves will take participants through the basics of football, from the top of the uniform to the markings on the field to the strategies of the game. In addition, participants will have a chance to meet members of the Purdue football team and see the team practice.

The Boilermaker Huddle in Heels Football Clinic will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kissell Center of Ross-Ade Stadium (entrance off University Street on southeast side of Ross-Ade, across from Intercollegiate Athletic Facility).

Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. Registration fees, which include a light breakfast, lunch and a study guide, are $20 for John Purdue Club members and $25 for non-members. All participants will be eligible for door prizes.

To sign up for the clinic, contact the John Purdue Club by phone at 49-43248 or (800) 213-2239, or by e-mail at jpc@purdue.edu by April 6.