Purdue Today

October 21, 2008

Psychology lecture to focus on 'Value Relations'

Wlodek Rabinowicz, professor of practical philosophy at Lund University, will present "Value Relations: How two items may be comparable in value even if neither is better than, worse than, or equally good as the other" on Oct. 28.

Rabinowicz, the Ben Winer Memorial Guest, will speak at noon in Room 277, PRCE. His lecture is sponsored by Purdue's Department of Psychological Sciences.

Those who want to meet with Prof. Rabinowicz on Oct. 27 or 28 (before or after his lecture), or who want to see the recent Theoria paper on which the talk is based, please e-mail Prof. Ehtibar Dzhafarov (ehtibar@purdue.edu)

For more about Rabinowicz, go to www.fil.lu.se/staff/person.asp?id=13&lang=eng