Purdue Today

Purdue United Way Campaign renews resolve to reach goal

Generous donations have brought Purdue closer to its 2008 United Way goal, but there is still work to be done.

At a Purdue United Way meeting on Wednesday, campaign chair Roger Blalock reported that the University has raised $571,606, or 79 percent of its goal.

"We are behind a little from where we were last year at this time," said Blalock, senior associate athletics director. "We had nearly $50,000 more at this time last year. This is not an easy number to make up, which means that we need your efforts now more than ever."

Purdue's 2008 goal is $725,000, which goes toward the community goal of $5 million. The Purdue campaign theme this year is "Building on Success."

Blalock said that 1,556 people who donated last year had yet to send in cards for 2008. If those people turn in their cards and give the same amount, that would add $225,701 to this year's campaign.

"Many people may be holding on to their cards because of the concerns about the economy or because they've adopting a 'wait and see' attitude," Blalock said. "This makes it even more vital for us to remind people about what United Way does and why it is important to turn in their pledge cards with a donation. Every gift makes a difference."

UW vice chair Dennis Depew reminded everyone about the matching gift program offered this year by the Eli Lilly Foundation. The foundation will match every new or increased donation.

"We are narrowing the gap, but we still need to work hard," said Depew, dean of the College of Technology. "We want people to give, not because they are being asked to or because they have always done so, but because they know for certain that the money they are giving is directly feeding hungry children or the elderly and giving kids after school programs so they won't be in their home alone. These gifts emphasize our dedication to the community."

Team captains have distributed pledge cards to all faculty and staff, and those cards can be returned to the team captains or sent via campus mail to Purdue United Way Gift Processing at Dauch Alumni Center (DAUC).

If they choose to do so, individuals can designate their donation to a nearby county or a specific agency. This information is included in the pledge packets.

Purdue's campaign intends to celebrate success on Nov. 19, and all pledges received by Nov. 12 can count in the total announced at the celebration.

Information and updates on the campaign can be found at www.purdue.edu/UnitedWay.

Special events

Several special events have been held recently to help support Purdue's United Way Campaign, and more are upcoming.

Building Services held a bake sale and four dress down days, and Hawkins Hall staff raised funds for Lafayette Transitional Housing Food Bank by organizing a "white elephant" sale.

The Purdue United Way student chairs wrapped up their online auction on Oct. 2, raising a total of $888.

The Purdue wrestling team also got involved by using their preseason workout final run as a fundraising event. Team members secured pledges based on their completion of the event.

Upcoming events include:

-- Meredith Hall is having a Fall Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 22.

-- Business Services will celebrate United Way with a casual day on Oct. 24.

-- The UW students chairs are holding a fundraising event on Nov. 6 at Union Rack and Roll, Purdue Memorial Union. From 8 p.m. to midnight, students, faculty, staff and the general public can pay $5 for unlimited cosmic bowling and billiards. Shoe rental is extra.