Purdue Today

August 14, 2008

Participants needed for fish study

Participants are being sought for a study on the health benefits of fish for childbearing-age women.

In the study, Charles Santerre, professor of foods and nutrition, will investigate the potential of fish to affect omega-3 fatty acid levels in the body and to lower the levels of pollutants in the body.

Women who are 18-40 years old, eat fish and are in general good health are needed for the study. In addition, participants must not be pregnant or planning to become pregnant within the next four months.

During the study, participants will receive one free fish meal each week for a total of 12 meals in the Department of Foods and Nutrition. They also will be asked to provide small blood and hair samples each month (four total samples) and to keep a food diary.

At the completion of the study, participants will receive $100 and will have learned how to choose the safest and healthiest fish to eat.

For more information about the study, e-mail fishstudy@purdue.edu.