Purdue Today

January 11, 2008

Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference proposals due Jan. 28

The eleventh annual Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference in spring 2008 will center its presentations on the student.

Conference co-chair Nancy Wilson Head, director of TLT's Instructional Development Center, said, "Students undergo many kinds of experiences throughout their educational careers.

"We will certainly spotlight learning experiences, but with today's students, we cannot ignore how technology enhances their social experiences, visual and interactive experiences, and more than ever, online or virtual experiences. This conference will showcase technologies that have proven effective in 'Enhancing the Student Experience,' our conference theme."

Some examples of technologies are smart classroom technology, open-access computing systems, video-production systems, collaborative systems, personal-response systems, course-management systems, gaming and simulations technology, instructional design tools, learning outcomes assessment tools, and many more.

ITaP's Teaching and Learning Technologies unit solicits proposals for presentations, workshops, and poster sessions from higher education faculty, K-12 teachers, and IT professionals.

The two-day conference, to be held March 4-5 on the West Lafayette campus, is free and open to the public.

To submit a proposal, visit http://tlt.purdue.edu.
Proposals must be sent electronically on or before Jan. 28.

For more information about conference proposals or the conference in general, contact TLT at