A Systematic Review of Control Group Design in Second Language Pronunication Research
Margo Katherine Wilke Undergraduate Research Internship Program
Fall 2024
Research on second language (i.e., language learner) pronunciation is often interested in testing the effectiveness of new pedagogical methods. In short, when we make a new activity for learners, does it help them learn the pronunciation of a new language. As the field develops and methods become more rigorous, intervention studies have begun to employ a control group, to examine whether the "new" method is more effective than the "usual" method. The choice of the control group design is critical for interpreting the results. Yet, the field has yet to coalesce around a single type of control group, representing a significant obstacle to progress in our ability to create and generalize knowledge. Responding to this gap, this study seeks to describe the state of the field by conducting a large-scale, systematic review of the literature on second language pronunciation interventions.
Daniel J Olson
Work will be conducted in conjunction with a team of graduate and undergraduate researchers in the Purdue Bilingualism Lab.
(1) Step 1: We’ll work on systematically collecting a large sample of research articles.
(2) Step 2: We’ll read the methodologies of those papers and code them for certain features (does it includes a control group? What is the nature of the control group? How many participants are in the control group, etc).
(3) Step 3: pool all of our findings to see what is the overarching trends in the field.
3 (estimated)