Public and Historic Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon Clarence E. Dammon Dean Academic Year 2022 Accepted Anthropology, Archaeology, History For this project a student will work with the Tippecanoe County Historical Association hand other researchers to curate the material and documentary information regarding Fort Ouiatenon, a French fur trading fort built in 1717. Interns will learn skills associated with artifact curation, public archaeology, database management, and museum studies. Additionally, the materials will be investigated by students to better understand the Fort site. Harold Kory Cooper Harold Kory Cooper The Dammon Dean's Scholar student will perform some combination of the following tasks: compile artifact and document databases, digitize documents and compile them into useful formats for current and future researchers, rehouse/pack artifacts; other duties organizing the Fort Ouiatenon collections, conduct research on the collections. Students must exhibit a GPA of greater than or equal to 3.0 in Anthropology courses. No course requirements nor special training required. 0 9 (estimated)

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