Making Humans New: Eugenics and Transhumanism in Modernist Culture Clarence E. Dammon Dean Academic Year 2022 Accepted literature; history of science/medicine; Black studies For a chapter of my book-in-progress entitled Making Us New: From Eugenics to Transhumanism in Modernist Culture, this project looks at early 20th-century Black eugenic efforts to "improve" the Black "race" and transhumanist projects meant to transcend the racial divide. While eugenics was for the most part white and deeply racist, there were also Black eugenicists who sought to "improve" populations of Black Americans much as white Americans sought to "improve" white populations. As you can see from the scare quotes, this project looks critically at what were understood to be improvements to human "stock." In the chapter for which I am seeking research assistance, I plan to put the novel Black No More by George Schuyler in conversation with works by Black eugenicists such as W. E. B. Du Bois, Pauline Hopkins, and others. Maren T Linett Maren T Linett The intern will do a few kinds of work. They will help me find appropriate short stories, novels, or essays to analyze in the chapter; they will also read and write summaries of critical and historical articles about Black eugenics; and they will find, read, and summarize criticism about the novel Black No More. Along the way we will discuss the chapter's goals and the intern is invited to help shape the research. Experience reading and analyzing literature desired; familiarity with the history of eugenics a plus. 2 6 (estimated)

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