Note: Please download these forms to your computer and complete with Adobe Acrobat. They may not be fillable within your web browser.
All forms must be signed by the Principal Investigator responsible for the research space.
Form 1A - The Form 1A is the primary application and registration document to the IBC. Completion of this document is required to ensure that the appropriate Biosafety Level, NIH Category, and relevant safety parameters are established for the research space.
Form 2A - The Form 2A is used to report changes to an already approved protocol. Examples of changes to report are:
- Changes in personnel;
- Protocol Deactivation/ Faculty Move;
- Use of a new host/vector system or transgenic model organism;
- Changes to a use of a biohazardous agent or the use of recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids (including any that change the answers from the originally approved Form 1A).
Send completed forms to Environmental Technician, Dee Odum.