CERIAS Security Seminar: Symposium Closing Keynote "A Cyber Journey"
Phillipe Biondi
About: Philippe Biondi is an executive expert in cyber security at Airbus. He is a co-creator of the SSTIC french-speaking conference. He is the author of Scapy and numerous other security related tools. He is a co-author of the Security Powertools book. He published several articles in MISC magazine. He gave several talks to security conferences (Blackhat, HITB, GreHack, CansecWest, Defcon, Syscan, etc.).
The weekly security seminar has been held every semester since spring of 1992. We invite personnel at Purdue and visitors from outside to present on topics of particular interest to them in the areas of computer and network security, computer crime investigation, information warfare, information ethics, public policy for computing and security, the computing "underground," and other related topics. More info
Contact Details
- Lori Floyd
- laf@purdue.edu
- (765) 494-7841