Student Wellness Office

Located at the Purdue Student Health Center, the Student Wellness Office works collaboratively with the Purdue campus community to promote healthy behaviors that support a campus environment conducive to academic, professional, and personal success. The Student Wellness Office provides student education, information and resources on alcohol and other drug prevention, stress management, general wellness, sexual health, healthy eating, physical activity, and sleep. A registered dietitian is available by appointment for consultation on a broad range of nutrition topics. The Office also has volunteer and internship opportunities, including the Purdue Student Health Advocates (PSHAs). For specific questions, please contact 765-494-WELL during regular business hours or email

Change is coming to the Student Wellness Office. After July 1, 2015, they will become part of the CoRec. This transition will enhance the synergy of the work done by the two programs to promote healthy, active, and successful Purdue students. Watch for updates on the CoRec website.