Future of Learning Symposium

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As part of Purdue’s Classroom Mastering Planning process, which itself stems from the Transformative Education 2.0 Purdue Move, Innovation Hub was pleased to organize a four-part virtual symposium series on the future of learning. We convened national thought leaders, Purdue local experts, and the Purdue community at large in a series of conversations about the future of learning and its likely impacts on the physical and virtual learning spaces associated with Purdue’s residential learning programs.

The goal of the symposium series was to engage the Purdue community in critical discussions about the future of teaching and learning and the central role that instructional spaces will play.

Each session will be moderated by Dr. Jenna Rickus, Purdue’s Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. Dr. Rickus introduced panelists, framed the session, invited questions from participants, and moderated the discussion to be aspirational, thought-provoking, and positive.

The four sessions were:

Panel 1: Trends and Disruptors that Shape Instructional Space (March 23, 2022)


Panel 2: Learning at Scale — Innovations in Instructional Delivery (March 30, 2022)


Panel 3: Pollinating Open Space — Libraries, Innovation Centers, and Other Spaces for Cross-Disciplinary Discovery (April 6, 2022)


Panel 4: Innovative Residential Learning — When Living and Learning Merge (April 13, 2022)
