Now on 'Boiler Bytes': Purdue Solar Decathlon team

August 11, 2011

Matthew Hebdon, a civil engineering graduate research assistant, cuts lumber for the Purdue solar home, which is being built along McCormick Road. This fall the home will be entered in an international competition in Washington, D.C. (Purdue University photo/Mark Simons)

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"Boiler Bytes 22" includes a glimpse of the Solar Decathlon house under construction north of Purdue West shopping area. The highly innovative house will be among 20 from colleges and universities to compete in a world competition in Washington, D.C., starting Sept. 23. The Purdue team of students and faculty has been working since the summer of 2009 to prepare for the event, which really puts classroom learning to work. Check out the video here. Other segments from "Boiler Bytes 22" as well as previous "Boiler Bytes" editions are at and on Purdue's YouTube channel at