Employees alerted to presence of cicada killer wasps on campus

July 16, 2012

A cicada killer wasp. (Photo by John Obermeyer)

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Members of the Purdue community may have recently noticed the presence of cicada killer wasps, which resemble large hornets or yellow jackets, on campus. These wasps are solitary insects and are unlikely to sting unless directly handled.

The Grounds Department monitors the presence of cicada killer wasps on campus and, as appropriate, treats the areas in which they are active. The treatments discourage the insects from returning to these locations without killing them. 

The Grounds Department also places informational signs in areas of high-volume pedestrian traffic where cicada killer wasp activity has been observed. 

Even though cicada killer wasps are unlikely to sting, the campus community is advised to exercise caution and avoid these insects as they would other bees or wasps.

Questions may be directed to the Grounds Department at 49-43087.