"> Workshop to focus on evaluation in service-learning

Workshop to focus on evaluation in service-learning

April 20, 2012

The 2012 Community of Service-Learning Faculty Fellows will offer "Evaluation in Service Learning" at 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday (April 26) in Beering Hall, Room B260.

Song No, associate dean for undergraduate education and international programs in the College of Liberal Arts, and Karen Foli, assistant professor of nursing, will present the workshop.
During this workshop, evaluation of service-learning will focus on three parties: the students, community partners and faculty. Building from the core principles of service learning, the participants will be discussing the challenges and opportunities that are present in evaluating service-learning projects.

The presenters will describe various methods of student reflections, building relationships with community and obtaining feedback, and how faculty scholarship can emerge from implementing service learning.
Register for this workshop online at www.itap.purdue.edu/training/registration/?offeringid=5605.