Grad students invited to submit RPHE abstracts

February 21, 2012

Abstracts for both presentations and posters are being invited for the Fifth Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on Regional, Population, Health, and Environmental (RPHE) Economics in April, hosted by the Department of Agricultural Economics. The deadline for abstracts is March 1.

The summit, scheduled for April 13-14 at Purdue, provides an opportunity for graduate students at Midwestern universities to gather, network, share ideas, present research and get feedback. The summit originated with Purdue's Space, Health and Population Economics (SHaPE) group.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Research can be presented at various stages of completion, including ongoing research or completed projects. Both poster and paper abstracts should be submitted online at in accordance with the guidelines there.

Poster guidelines

In addition, applicants should be aware of these guidelines for posters:

* Visual information (figures, tables, graphs, charts, or photographs) are appreciated by poster session audiences. Captions on illustrations are helpful.

* Remember the words "simple" and "legible." For example, some color combinations may be difficult to read, especially if lighting is sub-optimal.

* Be organized and coherent. It's helpful to include an introduction, a developments/findings section, and a conclusion.

* The poster (including text legends and captions on figures/tables) should be legible from six feet away. In general, that means using at least 18-point type.

* The maximum size for the poster is 4 feet by 8 feet. Leave an inch around the perimeter for the display board frame.