Homecoming Court nominations requested

February 20, 2012

Faculty and staff are invited to nominate students for the 2012 Purdue Homecoming Court through March 16.
The Homecoming king and queen contest is a rich tradition at Purdue. The Purdue Student Union Board Homecoming Committee is looking for involved and enthusiastic candidates for the 2012 Homecoming Court. When nominating individuals, people are asked to remember that the students will serve as representatives of Purdue.

The Purdue Student Union Board, which conducts the selection process, will contact nominated students and invite them to complete an application and essay. Once all applications are received, the board will select the top seven male and seven female candidates to be the 2012 Homecoming Court.

To submit a nomination or for more information, contact Tianyi Zhang, director of Homecoming, at 49-48976 or psubhomecoming@purdue.edu.