Events to promote education in recognition of Disability Awareness Month

February 15, 2012

The Office of Institutional Equity will offer a series of events in recognition and celebration of Disability Awareness Month.

The registration pages can be accessed by clicking on the event titles below.

* Celebrating Community 
March 1 (Th). 10-11 a.m. Purdue Memorial Union, West Faculty Lounge.
Marcus Soutra, Think Different ambassador and managing director of Project Eye-to-Eye, will speak at the Disability Awareness Month reception honoring the 2012 Focus Award recipients. Recipients have made outstanding contributions to the University's commitment to disability accessibility and disability diversity.

* Understanding Learning Disabilities and ADHD: The Journey to Educational and Personal Empowerment
March 1 (Th). 4:30-5:30 p.m. Beering Hall, Room 2280.
Soutra will walk the audience through his journey of educational and personal change, providing a new understanding of LD/ADHD and "learning" itself. At the core is a message of personal empowerment, academic success, and educational revolution for people who think differently. The presentation also will provide students and educators alike with practical, accessible, hands-on tips for academic success.

* Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities 
March 8 (Th). 1:30-3 p.m. Stewart Center, Room 320.
Emergency preparedness is a critical component of safety on campus and can be of particular concern for persons with disabilities. This workshop, presented by Campus Emergency Preparedness and Planning Office, will discuss tips and campus resources applicable to different emergency situations for Purdue students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

* Hospitality and Disability
March 13 (T). 10 a.m.-noon. Stewart Center, Room 214.
Co-sponsored by Conference Division. During this workshop, participants will gain insight into providing customer service to individuals with disabilities. A panel of individuals with a variety of disabilities will share their experiences, answer questions, and provide suggestions for serving customers with disabilities.

* ADA Audio Conference -- No Pets Allowed: Service Animals and Post Secondary Institutions  
March 20 (T). 2-3:30 p.m. Young Hall, Room 1057.
This session will explore the different service animal scenarios that often play out in post-secondary education and discuss the interplay between laws governing non-discrimination in housing versus equal access to programs and services.

* Legal Issues Webinar -- Olmsted Planning: Litigation, Collaboration and the All Important Financial Calculation 
March 21 (W). 2-3:30 p.m. Young Hall, Room 1057.
This webinar session will discuss the essential aspect of budget planning for litigation, policy-making and Olmstead planning. It will discuss the pros and cons of litigation versus working with policy makers versus a hybrid approach of litigation and working with policy makers to affect change.

* Interacting with People with Disabilities 
March 29 (Th). 3:30-5:30 p.m. Stewart Center, Room 313.
Not sure what to say or do when you meet someone with a disability? This workshop offers real world guidance on creating an environment of respect and courtesy when interacting with people with a variety of disabilities. This workshop includes a panel of individuals who will share how to interact seamlessly with individuals with disabilities.

* The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act Briefing
To view dates and times visit
These sessions are designed to provide participants with a better understanding of the ADA and the ADA Amendments Act, a supervisor's or employee's responsibilities at Purdue, a greater understanding of how to interact with employees with disabilities, and campus resources that can assist with reasonable accommodation requests.

Purdue is committed to making all programs accessible to participants with disabilities. If you require an accommodation or special assistance due to a disability for a program, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity before the program begins at 494-7253, 765-496-1343 (TTY), or Unless indicated otherwise, all sessions are free and open to the public.