On-campus fuel now available for University-owned vehicles

August 26, 2011

Self-service fuel pumps for University-owned vehicles are now operational from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturdays at the new facility located near the intersection of South Russell Street and Ahlers Drive, just east of the Physical Facilities Service Building (PFSB). Drivers will use their vehicle fueling card to activate the fuel pumps.

Customers who need fuel at other times of the day are asked to call 49-42114 to make special arrangements with Transportation Service staff. A map that includes the location of the fueling facility is available at https://www.purdue.edu/pat/graphics/transportation/moving/transportmap.pdf.

A car wash for small trucks, vans and automobiles remains under construction at the new fueling site. Due to this construction, only one side of the fuel station is open. Customer should use caution and watch for workers in the area.

The Shop Services portion of the Transportation Service operation is now accessible at the Airport Service Building (ASB) at 1557 Aviation Drive. The car/van rental and charter bus services as well as the customer service/front office area are now available at the south end of PFSB at 775 Ahlers Drive.

A map of the three new Transportation Service campus sites is available at
https://www.purdue.edu/pat/graphics/transportation/moving/transportmap.pdf. The Parking Services, Purdue University Airport, and Transportation Service website, which features more details about the relocation of Transportation Service operations, may be found at www.purdue.edu/PAT. Additionally, customers are encouraged to contact Transportation Service by telephone at 49-42114 as questions arise or if further information is needed.