Tornado awareness session being offered

February 22, 2010

A tornado awareness session will be offered three times in the coming weeks for all Purdue employees and students. It is coordinated by the Campus Emergency Preparedness and Planning Office.

The session will be at 1:30-2:30 p.m. on these Fridays -- March 5, March 12 and April 2. Each time, it will cover severe weather awareness strategy, responses to a severe weather situation, and actions to take after an event. The sessions will meet in the Conference Room at the Purdue Police Department (TERY), with entry through the side door facing Martin Jischke Drive.

The presenter will be Tom Cooper, fire safety specialist in Physical Facilities with considerable experience in weather safety also. He can arrange to speak to an office or department if so desired.

Those wishing to attend one of the scheduled sessions should RSVP to Mary Stair at 49-41424. For questions about the session, contact Cooper at or Ron Wright at, or call 49-40446.