AllOne Health presents webinar on increasing mental toughness
AllOne Health, the Employee Assistance Program provider for Purdue’s West Lafayette and Indianapolis locations, is presenting a virtual webinar Feb. 12 titled “Increasing Mental Toughness.” The webinar, which supports the behavioral health pillar of the Healthy Boiler Wellness Program, will reflect on the challenges of the past few years and explore how adversity can fuel personal growth.
Attendees of the workshop will learn what it means to be mentally tough, how to find the positive in negative situations, how to manage ambiguity and how to improve adaptability. Additionally, the workshop will focus on “grit” as defined by Angela Duckworth, psychologist and professor, as “passion and sustained persistence toward long-term goals.”
Join AllOne Health in this webinar to strengthen resilience and cultivate the grit needed to thrive.
The workshop takes place Feb. 12 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. ET. Individuals interested in attending can register via the AllOne Health member portal prior to the start of the webinar.
The registration link, as well as a calendar of upcoming webinars and access to recorded webinars, is located on the right-hand side of the member portal under “US Events Calendar.” When registering, enter “AllOne Health” in the field “Your Employee Assistance Provider Program Name.”
To assist faculty and staff
Faculty and staff can review the Mental Health Resources webpage for a variety of resources that support the behavioral health pillar of the Healthy Boiler Program, as well as for information on Purdue’s health plan coverage for mental health and substance abuse.
To assist students
Faculty and staff who work with students or have a student at home can direct them to the resources below for behavioral health assistance. Note: UnitedHealthcare Student Resources (UHCSR) — the medical plan provider for students and graduate students — offers in-network access to mental health providers serving at various locations within Tippecanoe County. To find a provider, download the UHCSR mobile app on your mobile device. Additionally, students have access to HealthiestYou, which provides virtual access to mental health care as part of UHCSR’s plan. All services are free for students covered under the UHCSR insurance plan.
Office of the Dean of Students
- Continuous Network of Support
- Services and Information
- Presentations & Trainings
- Student of Concern Report link
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- Our Services & Therapies
- Self-Help Resources
- Group Services & Therapies FAQ
- CAPS YouTube channel
- National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus — A free, virtual support group on campus
- Thriving Campus — Service that provides students a way to search for mental health providers locally and across the country
- Therapy Assistance Online — Web- and app-based mental health resource