Updated Purdue travel regulations in effect

As a reminder, changes were made to a number of Purdue travel regulations over the summer and took effect on July 1. In most cases, travelers will see additional benefits or flexibility with travel and reimbursement because of the updates, and some changes were made to provide greater clarification on processes and timeframes. A few key changes are summarized below, and all current regulations are listed on the Purdue Travel website by topic and as a downloadable document.
- Expense reports with outstanding Travel Card transactions that are 180 days or longer after the last day of official business travel will be submitted by Purdue travel staff on behalf of the traveler. Personal reimbursement will not be allowable after 180 days after the last day of official business travel.
- Reduced from 14 hours, eight hours is the new threshold for a flight upgrade to business class to be an allowed expense, and layovers are considered part of that time.
- The maximum reimbursable amount for a domestic flight which includes personal time and does not have a cost comparison was increased from $400 to $550.
- The maximum reimbursable amount for an international flight which includes personal time and does not have a cost comparison is now capped at $1,000.
All recent revisions are outlined on the last page of the travel regulations file.
Questions may be directed to purduetravel@purdue.edu.