2010 Honorary Degree

Ronald E. Venderly

Doctor of Letters

Ronald E. Venderly

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Ronald E. Venderly has distinguished himself as an astute businessman, supporter of education and generous community leader.

A Fort Wayne native, Venderly served his country in World War II and returned to the city to continue serving his community. The businessman began his career as an educator, working for Central High School for six years as a teacher, football coach, member of the guidance department, and athletic director. In 1967, Venderly began a second career as a stockbroker. He spent 20 years as a broker and vice president with Merrill Lynch and 13 years as a broker and vice president with Smith Barney. He retired in 2000. 

The Ronald E. Venderly Charitable Foundation Inc., established in the 1990s, has supported numerous community organizations, including the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council, Boys and Girls Clubs, the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, and various theater programs. In the past 15 years, the Ronald E. Venderly Charitable Foundation Inc. has generously donated funds to IPFW for educational scholarships; a music education classroom in the John and Ruth Rhinehart Music Center; the pilot program for the IPFW Arts Connection; and has supported arts, athletics, and education. The most visible of his philanthropic endeavors is the Ron Venderly Family Bridge, which spans the St. Joseph River to connect the main campus with the Holiday Inn at IPFW and the Coliseum.

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