Purdue to celebrate GIS Day with activities
November 12, 2012
Purdue Libraries will host several events for "Purdue GIS Day 2012: Our Community, Our Maps" on Wednesday (Nov. 14).
GIS Day is a global celebration of geospatial research and GIS, which uses a collection of software applications, GPS receivers and data sensors to combine maps and statistical data in a digital mapping environment to answer research questions.
Activities including talks, demonstrations, graduate student presentations and a poster session will be held 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. in Stewart Center, Room 218 A-C. The events are free and open to the public.
Eric Kansa, executive director of the Information and Service Design Program at the UC Berkeley School of Information, will give the keynote address at 9 a.m. in Stewart Center, Room 218AB. Kansa will speak on "Using the Web to Situate Archaeology in Place, Time, and Community."
Students interested in GIS career fields will have opportunities to meet with representatives from federal agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Some organizations will present student summer job opportunities. ESRI will conduct 3-D demonstrations using its CityEngine platform for interdisciplinary and research use.
The schedule is available at https://stemedhub.org/groups/2012gisday/gis_day_college_program.
GIS Day is sponsored by the Office of the Provost, College of Science, College of Engineering, Office of the Vice President for Research, College of Agriculture, Libraries Seminar Committee, Digital Humanities Cluster of the College of Liberal Arts, Brian Lamb School of Communication and GIS Libraries Department.