National searches for Purdue’s named deanships in Agriculture and in Science; nominations sought

Dear faculty colleagues,
As we move rapidly through our first week back of 2023, I’m writing to announce national searches for named deanships in our College of Agriculture and our College of Science, beginning immediately.
As will be the case with all Purdue dean searches henceforth, these will be fulsome national open searches. We expect to attract many distinguished senior faculty candidates, both external and internal, for these roles. I invite you to submit candidate nominations (including self-nominations) directly to me and ask please that you forward this announcement to colleagues at leading institutions worldwide.
No appointments at Purdue are more critical to the leadership of our research, teaching and engagement missions than deanships such as these. Colleagues in Agriculture and in Science will be receiving regular updates from our two search advisory committees, led respectively by Agriculture co-chairs Clint Chapple, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, and Catherine Hill, Professor of Entomology and Department Head; and by Science chair Richard Kuhn, the Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences.
Thank you for helping us to recruit and select strong colleagues for these named deanships.
Yours with very best wishes for an intellectually invigorating and productive Spring semester,
Patrick Wolfe
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Diversity
Purdue University
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Glenn W. Sample Dean of the College of Agriculture search advisory committee
Clint Chapple, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry (Co-Chair)
Catherine Hill, Professor of Entomology and Department Head (Co-Chair)
Olayiwola Adeola, Professor of Animal Sciences
Timothy Doty, Senior Director, Public Information and Issues Management, Marketing and Communications
Songlin Fei, Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources and Dean’s Chair of Remote Sensing
Thomas Hertel, Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics
John Higgins, Executive Director, Research Finance and Account Management
Ying Li, Assistant Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Steve Lindemann, Associate Professor of Food Science
Henry Quesada, Assistant Director of Extension
Shweta Singh, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Darcy Telenko, Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Diane Wang, Assistant Professor of Agronomy
Hui-Hui Wang, Associate Professor of Agricultural Sciences Education and Communication
Joshua Widhalm, Associate Professor of Horticulture
Natalia Doudareva, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, will also serve on the committee and act as a key liaison, leading an advisory group charged with gathering broad stakeholder input of specific relevance to the College of Agriculture:
Shalamar Armstrong, Associate Professor of Agronomy
Dieudonne Baributsa, Associate Professor of Entomology
Jacquelyn Boerman, Assistant Professor of Animal Sciences
Amanda Dickson, International Extension Specialist
Brenna Ellison, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Laramy Enders, Assistant Professor of Entomology
Jeneen Fields, Clinical Assistant Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Elizabeth Flaherty, Associate Professor of Forestry and Natural Resources
Jen-Yi Huang, Associate Professor of Food Science
Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi, Associate Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
Nathan Shoaf, Senior Urban Agriculture Coordinator
Senay Simsek, Dean’s Chair in Food Science and Head
Ronald Turco, Professor of Agronomy and Head
Jennifer Wisecaver, Associate Professor of Biochemistry
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Frederick L. Hovde Dean of the College of Science search advisory committee
Richard Kuhn, Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences (Chair)
Tamal Dey, Professor of Computer Science
Janice Evans, Professor of Biological Sciences and Head
Isaac Harris, Barbara A. Kunze New Frontiers Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Sabre Kais, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Mark Lundstrom, Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Interim Dean, College of Engineering
Michael Manfra, Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Eva Nodine, Vice President and Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Jianxi Su, Associate Professor of Statistics and Associate Director of Actuarial Science
Marissa Tremblay, Assistant Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Kris Wong Davis, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management