MEERCat Purdue stands for the Mechanical Engineering Education Research Center at Purdue and launched in June 2017. MEERCat currently houses federally-funded research on educating engineers and leverages the strong collaboration among faculty from the Purdue School of Engineering Education (ENE) and the School of Mechanical Engineering (ME).


Enabling the holistic formation of Mechanical Engineers by bridging research & practice

We are disciplinary experts in scalable mechanical engineering education research with a passion to empower learners, instructors, mentors, industries, and external partners to enable:

1) Lifelong student success and thriving
2) Thoughtful transitions from academia to industry
3) Faculty innovation through programmatic change management

Our vision is to be the world’s most student-centric mechanical engineering education research and transition organization, leveraging our deep expertise in both mechanical engineering and engineering education to cultivate the best mechanical engineers who graduate and live engaged, productive lives, adding value to both their employers and their communities.


Data-Driven Approach
Cultural Change
Implementing at Scale


Dr. Edward Berger, Executive Director
Dr. Jennifer DeBoer, Director of Research
Dr. Jeff Rhoads, Director of Practice
Angela Goldenstein, Managing Director

Freeform Research Team
RED & re|course Research Team