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All first-year students are invited to apply for this learning community as we will explore the sources, processes, tools, and techniques of applying analytics and intelligence in agricultural contexts. Intelligence, whether artificial or human, requires data and information. In the 1-credit Ag Tech and Innovation course and the learning community activities, you will get exposure to the entire data pipeline. We will get some hands-on experience with sensors and Internet of Things, novel methods for improving connectivity, data formats, and autonomous data and machines. You will gain a deeper understanding of security and privacy – even with direct applications as a student. With demonstrations and activities, we will apply artificial intelligence tools for learning, writing, coding, and data analysis. You will have a chance to hear from researchers who are advancing this technology for plant and livestock production on through the entire ag/food value chain. Join the Ag Intelligence LC  to truly “experience the tech”. Through social activities, we will help you acclimate to campus, meet people, and learn of resources available to help you succeed.

Students at solar panel
Students with animals


  • First-time beginning students with interest in agriculture and technology

Residential Component

  • Optional. The location of learning community housing will be determined based on the incoming size and needs of the learning community. 
  • A signed housing contract is required to apply to this learning community. Once a housing contract is completed, you will indicate your learning community housing preference within the learning community application. Applications received by the priority deadline will be considered first. 
  • If you want to be placed with a preferred roommate and be admitted to a learning community with an optional residential component, both you and your roommate must apply (and be admitted) to a learning community with an optional residential component. Students admitted to learning communities with a required residential component cannot be paired with students admitted to learning communities with an optional residential component.
  • For specific question regarding learning communities, email  
  • Completing a housing contract is a separate process from applying to a learning community. If you have questions about housing, contact University Residences ( at


Fall Semester Only

Associated Courses and Information

AGR 10100 - Introduction to Agriculture and Purdue (0.5 Cr.)

AGR 10800 - Agriculture, Technology, and Innovation (1 Cr.)

Every fee eligible student involved with a learning community (LC) at Purdue will be assessed the $200 LC fee to their university account.  These funds support activities and travel, signature LC events, housing assignments and/or course registration and instructor stipends.

Events and Activities Included:

  • Trip to observe Purdue Moves program at ACRE
  • Jones Robotic Dairy Farm field trip
  • Greenhouse tour
  • UAV work
  • Soil mapping technology demonstrations
  • Apps & Apps Night - Exploring iOS and Android apps while enjoying appetizers
  • Operate the latest heavy machinery used in agriculture

Information above is subject to change. If you are placed in the LC, the associated courses will be on your schedule prior to you registering for the rest of your courses.

Learning Communities  HILL 1301 3rd Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906 - (765) 494-2020,

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